CATNIP NEPETA CATARIA DRIED EXTRA STRONG CATNIP HERB'S - NEPETA CATARIA 0 in Share Share on Facebook PURCHASE CATNIP FROM OUR ETSY STORE CATNIP NEPETA CATARIA TEA CATNIP TEA , CATNIP OIL , DRIED CATNIP NEPETA CATARIA EAT SMOKE DRINK RUB Catnip (Nepeta cataria) - Everything You Need to Know About Catnip! Genus: Nepeta Family: Lamiaceae Botanical name: Nepeta catara What is catnip? Catnip is a perennial herb from the mint family Labiatae. It has a square, hairy stalk with typically geen/grey coloured heart shaped leaves that have scalloped edges. Flowers grow in spikes, reaching 1/2 inch in length. It is best known for its ability to get cats high. There are approximately 250 species of flowering plants in the family Labiatae, some of which include: Nepeta cataria ( catnip or true catnip ): White flowers, grows up to 3 feet. This is the variety most cats enjoy. Nepeta camphorata ( camphor catnip ): White flowers with purple dots, grows up to 18 inches.Camphor scent.